October 5,2022 Judicial Oath Ceremony at U.S. District Court South Carolina
On October 5,2022 I attend my judicial oath ceremony. I become American citizen and Take my oath at U.S. district court of South Carolina. It was one happiness day of my life.
Here what I wrote about it on October 5,2022
30 People from 18 countries were sworn as an American citizens during judicial oath ceremony at U.S. district court of South Carolina with The judge Donal C. Coggins,Jr. The Judicial oath ceremony at U.S. District Court South Carolina . The Judicial oath ceremony was very unique experience.
My life experience as immigration is awful. Is you search my name on google you will see it all. There were enough story for immigrants families to meltdown. But I know someday I will overcome this situation one day. I have made this far . I can make make it though what’s ever comes next.
I’m so grateful for the United States
for all opportunities I have been given. Also thank you for all Americans people and all the persons that I have found during this period time of my life.

I know these are tough time , but if you are an America. Whether your family has been here for generations or you were. moved here as an immigrants ,earned your your citizenship. I hope you won't take it for granted.
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